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Selected Clips


1. Return to China? Xing would rather die in the jungleThe Economist, 1843 Magazine

2. Inside the Early Days of China's Coronavirus Coverup, WIRED

2. How to keep China's wayward wandering elephants safe?National Geographic

3. City of Solitude - Life after Lockdown in Wuhan, California Sunday Magazine

4. How the story of Africans descended from 15th century Chinese sailors lives on, South China Morning Post Magazine

5. "Utter Chaos": Coronavirus exposes China's healthcare weakness, Al Jazeera

6. Zero COVID in China: What Next?The Lancet

7. As Shanghai protests, China censors, Al Jazeera

8. Wuhan turns to social media to vent anger at coronavirus response, Al Jazeera

9. 'I want to live': China's workers struggle amid virus shutdown, Al Jazeera

10. Shut out: Virus pushes China's seriously ill to back of queue, Al Jazeera

11. Scared and exposed: Rise in virus cases among China's medics, Al Jazeera

12. How China is using AI and big data to fight the coronavirus, Al Jazeera

The Middle East and Others


1. Destitute and hopeless: Iraqi Kurds return from Belarus, Al Jazeera

2. Heatwaves scorch Iraq as protracted political crisis grinds on, Al Jazeera

3. Caught between Iran and US, Iraq faces choices in electionsAl Jazeera

4. Will the Middle East be a flashpoint between the US and China?, Al Jazeera

5. Why economic turmoil in Iran is causing big problems in Afghanistan, The New Humanitarian

6. Many Lebanese protestors forced to hide activism from parents, Al-Monitor

7. Lebanon, like Hong Kong, killed an unpopular bill. So why are people still protesting?, South China Morning Post

Hong Kong

1. Star Wars and oil: How Hong Kong’s protesters keep their movement in the spotlightThe National

2. Devastation and despair as Hong Kong campus siege drags on, The National

3. Hong Kong protester shot by police in violent Chinese National Day clashes, The National 

4. Streets of Hong Kong fall silent as protesters take a rest, The National

5. Tensions grow between Hong Kong police and medics, The Lancet

 © by Shawn Yuan

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